The research developed in the roadmap SBT KK roadmap focuses on: Bio-prospectingplant improvement and biomass production, namely by conducting exploration, plant breeding and biomass production of horticultural/medicinal/industrial/energy plants, and metabolites. (2) Engineering biological systems at the organism, population and ecosystem levels, to improve plant growth, quality and reproduction. (3) Plant studies in environments with biotic & abiotic stress, including phytoremediation. (4) Developing plant materials and products, both by engineering and bioconversion. The stages carried out in product and biomass development are from basic bioprospecting (TRL 2-3), then process optimization (TRL 4-5) and then larger scale production (TRL 6-7).
Research Domain
Growth and Development

Some research topics including cytology, anatomy, histology, and morphogenesis.
Highlighted Publication
- Faizal, A., Manik, V. T., Iriawati, & Esyanti, R. R. (2018, August). Establishment of hairy root cultures and analysis of saponin production in Javanese ginseng (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.). In XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: II International Symposium on Micropropagation and In Vitro Techniques 1285 (pp. 193-202).
- Mba’u, Y. J., Iriawati, & Faizal, A. (2018). Transient transformation of potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) granola cultivar using syringe agroinfiltration. AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science, 40(2), 313-319.

Some research topics include mineral nutrition, phytohormones, signal transduction, stress tolerance, phytopathology, ecophysiology, and phytoremediation.
Highlighted Publication
- Faizal, A., Hermawaty, D., Junita, E., Rahmawati, A., Azar, A. W. P., Makajanma, M. M., & Turjaman, M. (2022). Evaluation of biotic and abiotic stressors to artificially induce agarwood production in Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke seedlings. Symbiosis, 86(2), 229-239.
- Taufikurahman, Pradisa, M. A. S., Amalia, S. G., & Hutahaean, G. E. M. (2019, August). Phytoremediation of chromium (Cr) using Typha angustifolia L., Canna indica L. and Hydrocotyle umbellata L. in surface flow system of constructed wetland. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 308, No. 1, p. 012020). IOP Publishing.
Biochemistry and Metabolism

Some research topics include phytochemistry, medicinal plants, metabolic engineering, bioprospecting, ethnobotany.
Highlighted Publication
- Fauziah, F., Permana, A. D., & Faizal, A. (2022). Characterization of Volatile Compounds from Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) and the Effect of Identified Compounds on Empoasca flavescens Behavior. Horticulturae, 8(7), 623.
- Faizal, A., Esyanti, R. R., Adn’ain, N., Rahmani, S., Azar, A. W. P., & Turjaman, M. (2021). Methyl jasmonate and crude extracts of Fusarium solani elicit agarwood compounds in shoot culture of Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. Heliyon, 7(4), e06725.

Some research topics include cell, tissue and organ culture, micropropagation, transformation, genetic engineering, biomass production, bioenergy.
Highlighted Publication
- Saptari, R. T., Esyanti, R. R., & Putranto, R. A. (2022). Daminozide enhances the vigor and steviol glycoside yield of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.) propagated in temporary immersion bioreactors. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 149(1), 257-268.
- Faizal, A., Sembada, A. A., & Priharto, N. (2021). Production of bioethanol from four species of duckweeds (Landoltia punctata, Lemna aequinoctialis, Spirodela polyrrhiza, and Wolffia arrhiza) through optimization of saccharification process and fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 28(1), 294-301.