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Kelompok Keilmuan Sains dan Bioteknologi Tumbuhan terlibat aktif dalam pengelolaan simposium ataupun seminar nasional hingga internasional. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, Kelompok Keilmuan Sains dan Bioteknologi Tumbuhan juga menerbitkan prosiding sebagai upaya publikasi hasil riset yang diikutsertakan dalam simposium ataupun seminar yang dikelola Kelompok Keilmuan Sains dan Bioteknologi Tumbuhan.

The Plant Science and Biotechnology research group, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology in collaboration with University Kebangsaan Malaysia, proudly present The Joint Symposium on Plant Sciences and Products.

This conference is to build a scientific forum that can bring together reliable experts, researchers, academics, observers, and industry to accelerate the down streaming of research results in the plant and microalgae-based bioindustry fields. The movement of scientific direction which tends to fade boundaries and brings forth trans disciplinarily towards sustainable or scientific complexes encourages the holding of scientific forums in both fields.

The first symposium was held in 2019 with the theme “From Basic Research to Bioindustry”, continued in 2020, when the pandemic occurred, the symposium was held virtually and carried the theme “Plant and Microalgae Bioindustry for Ensuring Food Security and Clean Environment”. 

Currently, with the development of the world’s population which is increasing up to 8 billion, the world’s need for food is increasing. Indonesia’s population is currently approaching 270 million people. It is estimated that the traditional practice in agriculture will not be able to supply the food needs of the entire world’s population, because the availability of agricultural land is decreasing, climate changes which have consequences to drought, land desertification causes food production to decrease from year to year.

The Plant Science and Biotechnology research group, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology in proudly present International Conference on Plant and Algae Based Bioindustry 2021 with the theme ”The Use of Plant and Algae for Bioindustrial Purposes”.