Currently, with the development of the world’s population which is increasing up to 8 billion, the world’s need for food is increasing. Indonesia’s population is currently approaching 270 million people. It is estimated that the traditional practice in agriculture will not be able to supply the food needs of the entire world’s population, because the availability of agricultural land is decreasing, climate changes which have consequences to drought, land desertification causes food production to decrease from year to year.
The Plant Science and Biotechnology research group, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology in proudly present International Conference on Plant and Algae Based Bioindustry 2021 with the theme ”The Use of Plant and Algae for Bioindustrial Purposes”.
the 2nd International Conference on Plant and Microalgae-based Bioindustry 2023
Southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, and Singapore are endowed with rich biological resources. These countries possess significant biodiversity potentials to contribute to various aspects of life, including food, health, environment, agriculture, and energy. Plant and microalgae research encompasses a wide range of topics and has garnered considerable attention in scientific forums. Plants and microalgae exhibit significant potential in meeting global demand of sustainable food and health products. Plant cultivation faces several challenges that can impact crop productivity and sustainability, such as climate change, biotic and abiotic stresses, and land-use conversion. Addressing these challenges requires interdisciplinary research, innovation in farming practices, the development of resilient crop varieties, and sustainable agricultural systems. Collaboration among researchers, farmers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders is essential to find effective solutions and ensure the future of sustainable plant cultivation.

In order to achieve these purposes, the research group of Plant Science and Biotechnology, SITH-ITB are encouraged to held the 2nd International Conference on Plant and Microalgae-based Bioindustry 2023 with the theme “Plant and Microalgae Bioproduct for Human Welfare and Sustainable Environment”. This event will be conducted to provide knowledge for lecturers, students and also researcher to learn about Plants Sciences and Microalgae Product and it’s utilization for Human Welfare and Sustainable Environment. This event will be held on Wednesday-Thursday, 1-2 November 2023.